الإعلانات والأحداث
المزيد ...
The College of Arts and Humanities Club is pleased to invite you to the opening of its new…

The Applied Medical Sciences Club at Al-Fara’a (both male and female sections), in collaboration…

The College of Engineering Club, in collaboration with the Deanship of Student Affairs, is pleased…

The College of Languages and Translation Club is pleased to invite you to the “Boat Trip” program…
الحصاد الأسبوعي
المزيد..المبادرات والإنجازات
The Deanship of Student Affairs at King Khalid University hosted the…

The Deanship of Student Affairs at King Khalid University achieved…
Beneficiaries of the Student Fund Management
Beneficiaries of the Vice Deanship in Tihama
Beneficiaries of student housing services
Female beneficiaries of the Vice Deanship for Female Students Affairs
Beneficiaries of sports programs and activities
Beneficiaries of the Center for Persons with Disabilities
Beneficiaries of counseling and guidance services
Total beneficiaries from the Deanship's programs
Number of e-services
المزيد..In a new achievement, Yazan Awad Al-Shamrani, a student at King Khalid University supported by the Deanship of Student Affairs, secured third place at the Gulf Science Forum held in Dhofar, Oman
In a new achievement, Ziad Khalid Al-Asiri from the College of Applied Medical Sciences at King Khalid University, supported by the Deanship of Student Affairs, won the gold medal at the Saudi Inventions Expo held in Jeddah for his invention
Supported by the Deanship of Student Affairs at King Khalid University, student Badria Ayed Mohammed Al-Shahrani received the Sheikh Mohammed bin Saleh bin Sultan Award
I participated with the support of the Deanship of Student Affairs in the American Thoracic Society conference, which is considered the largest conference worldwide in the field of thoracic and intensive care
I completed my studies at King Khalid University, majoring in Arabic language. The word "talent" resonated with me since elementary school, and I wondered about the talent bestowed upon me
Since I joined King Khalid University, I possessed personal skills and talents, and thanks to the presence of central clubs and college clubs
By Allah’s grace, I have achieved first place in several competitions organized by the Saudi Universities Sports Union
The Deanship of Student Affairs played a significant role, after Allah, in accomplishing and achieving these activities
Ever since I joined King Khalid University, I have made it a priority to engage in student activities. I was extremely delighted with the outstanding
9th Weekly Harvest

Book of 100 Volunteer Initiatives

Guidebook for the Deanship of Student Affairs
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