Al-Qalam Club on a Field Visit to Radio and Television Station
In solidarity with the Career Day programs and in conjunction with the World Radio Day on 13th February, Al-Qalam Club at the Faculty of Humanities organized a field visit to the Radio and Television Station in the Aseer region. The visit took place on Monday, the 13th of February, corresponding to the 22nd of Rajab.
Mr. Said Badawi warmly welcomed the delegation from King Khalid University, led by the club supervisor Mr. Abdullah Al-Mujahid, along with several students. The delegation was taken on an informative tour, where they were provided with detailed insights into every aspect of the station, from shooting and directing to editing and final appearances on television. Mr. Said enthusiastically responded to the students' questions, which were filled with excitement and passion.
During the visit, the students had the opportunity to experience sitting in front of the camera and addressing the audience behind the screens. At the end of the visit, Mr. Said expressed the station's openness to welcoming creative students at any time. Mr. Abdullah Al-Mujahid praised the warm reception received by the university delegation from the Radio and Television Station and emphasized the significance of such visits for both the faculty students in general and media students in particular.