Ebda Club Organizes Program on Career Counseling and Scientific Research
Ebda Club at the College of Applied Medical Sciences in Khamis Mushait, in partnership with the College of Education Club and the Voluntary Work Club, organized a program on career counseling and scientific research.
The program included enriching developmental lectures and various meetings, along with an exhibition showcasing scientific research and booths representing participating clubs. The activities aimed to raise awareness about mental health and the importance of volunteering in one's career path.
The program's schedule featured a lecture on mental health and professional prospects, delivered by Assistant Professor of Psychological Counseling, Dr. Jubran Yahya. This was followed by a lecture on preparing for the job market, covering topics such as resume writing and interview skills, presented by Mr. Mohammed Jabir Haroobi, a professional counselor from the Guidance and Counseling Center, in cooperation with the Human Resources Development Fund "Hadaf."
The program also included a specialized lecture on making the most of the internship year for health specialties, delivered by Mr. Majed Al-Ziyadi, a faculty member in the Anesthesia Department.
Furthermore, the event hosted an exhibition showcasing over 20 student research projects from both master's and bachelor's levels.
At the conclusion of the program, His Excellency the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Dr. Mushayel Al-Olyani, and the Vice-Dean of the College of Applied Medical Sciences in Khamis Mushait for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Mohammed Almoeid, on behalf of His Excellency the Dean of the College, honored the guests of the ceremony among the speakers and success partners.