College of Tourism and Hospitality Club Hosts “My Career…
The College of Tourism and Hospitality Club at King Khalid University organized the “My Career Experience”…
The Applied College Club in Khamis Mushait Organizes the “…
The Applied College Club in Khamis Mushait, in collaboration with the Deanship of Student Affairs, organized an…
The Nursing College Club in Khamis Mushait Presents: The…
The Nursing College Club in Khamis Mushait, in collaboration with the College’s Student Care and Counseling…
The Arts Club Invites You to the “Mural” Event
The Arts Club, in collaboration with the Deanship of Student Affairs Agency, invites you to attend the “Mural”…
College of Nursing in Khamis Mushait (Male and Female…
Under the patronage of the President of King Khalid University, the Vice President launched the “Take Care of…
College of Engineering Club: “Smart Fencing System” Event…
The College of Engineering Club (Female Section), in collaboration with the Deanship of Student Affairs and the…