Sports News

Nursing vs. Applied Medical Sciences Football Match:…

On Monday, 13 Rabi’ al-Awwal 1446 AH, the Nursing College Club in Mahayel Asir, in collaboration with the…

College of Law (Girls’ Section) Organizes First Event…

The College of Law Club (Girls’ Section), in collaboration with the Deanship of Student Affairs for Female…

Volunteer Work Club Organizes Padel Championship

The Volunteer Work Club organized the Padel Championship on Monday, 8th July 1444H, at Abha's Padel Courts.…

The English Club Organizes FIFA Competition

The English Club at the Faculty of Languages and Translation - Female Section, in collaboration with the…

Dawa Club at the Faculty of Pharmacy Organizes '…

The Dawa Club at the Faculty of Pharmacy, in collaboration with the Vice-Deanship of Student Affairs for Female…

The Deanship achieved second place in the "Cross-…

The Deanship of Student Affairs achieved second place in the cross-country cycling race at the Saudi…

The Deanship of Student Affairs concludes the competitions…

The Sports Activities Management at the Deanship of Student Affairs concluded the 9th Sports Olympiad for the…