College of Engineering Clud

Engineering Club (Female Section) Organizes an…

The Engineering Club (Female Section), in collaboration with the Deanship of Student Affairs, organized an…

Engineering Club (Female Section) Organizes the “Robots in…

The Engineering Club (Female Section), in collaboration with the Deanship of Student Affairs, organized an…

The Engineering College Club Presents: “Connecting the Dots…

The Engineering College Club, in collaboration with the Deanship of Student Affairs, announces the “Connecting…

The College of Engineering Club Organizes a Workshop on…

The College of Engineering Club, in collaboration with the Deanship of Student Affairs, held a workshop titled…

The Engineering College Club Invites You to a Visit to Al-…

The Engineering College Club, in collaboration with the Deanship of Student Affairs, announces a visit to Al-…

College of Engineering Club: “Smart Fencing System” Event…

The College of Engineering Club (Female Section), in collaboration with the Deanship of Student Affairs and the…

The Engineering Club, in collaboration with the Deanship of…

The Engineering Club, in collaboration with the Deanship of Student Affairs and in partnership with the…